No concept better
expresses the essence of reality than the Chinese yin-yang. For reality as we know it is nothing if not dichotomized:
anything that exists in a way that can be specifically identified or explicitly
defined manifests the dichotomy of “to be or not to be” (alive-dead, 1-0, etc.). The irony is that yin-yang is so fundamental to
life that we, literate creatures that we are, are driven to construct
rhetorically useful but essentially false
dichotomies that serve to categorize and hence rationalize our perceptions, as
epitomized by Cartesian dualism of mind vs. matter, and by our deeply rooted
propensity to view the world as ‘us vs. them’—the source of the ubiquitous
straw man.
Nevertheless, I think it
safe to say that we can use words to
articulate ‘true’ dichotomies that bespeak the fundamental yin-yang nature of
reality. One such dichotomy is freedom-constraint. It is yin-yang because you can’t have one
without the other. To be free is to be
unconstrained, implying (the possibility of) constraint; while to be
constrained is to not be free to do something that you would otherwise be free
to do. Constraints are real—physical laws such as gravity are
examples. If you don’t believe me go
jump off a tall building. I suspect you
won’t because you know that in reality you are not free to do so without
killing yourself. But freedom is real
too. You really are free to make your
own choices, within the constraints of who you are, where you are, etc. And if you stand atop a tall building and release
a bowling ball from the constraint of your hand then it is free to fall to the
ground below in response to the constraint of gravity. You are free to decide whether that is
something that would be good to do.
everything is free to the extent that it is not constrained. And being granted freedom from one constraint
brings into play other constraints that were formerly held at bay (i.e. constrained) by that
constraint. If you inflate a balloon and
tie off the opening the pressurized gas inside the balloon is constrained from
dispersing by the closed elastic wall of the balloon. If you use a pin to burst the balloon you
release that constraint, and the gas is now free to disperse in response to (the
constraint of) the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which compels any
unconstrained gradient to dissipate as rapidly as possible.
Another yin-yang
dichotomy is rule-exception. Physical ‘laws’ are rules that
ostensibly hold without exception. But do they, for
all eternity? It seems possible, if not
probable, that they did not hold in the earliest moments of the universe, as
they had not yet developed into existence.
And there may yet come a time, perhaps at the end of time, when they no
longer hold, and ‘we’ will once again be free from their constraining influence
(only to become constrained by something else currently held at bay by physical
Rules are essentially
constraints, and exceptions manifest freedom from constraint. Exceptions are the font of creativity. Which brings us to the question of life: is
it the rule or the exception? Is life
yin or yang? Or is it both?
From the perspective of
the science of physics, which is all
about rules (physical law), life is clearly the exception. No physical law entails
life. The rules of physical science do not foreordain or allow prediction of life. That is not to say that life
breaks the rules—it is constrained by them. But if reality consisted only of rules,
then there would be no life. Life is constrained by rules, but it is exceptionally creative within
those constraints. It is not strictly
yin or yang—it embodies both. Since
physical science only deals with fully-developed constraints, it fails to grant
insight into the creative nature of life.
Physical science focuses exclusively on the yang while ignoring the yin. As noted by Jacques Monod in Chance & Necessity (which might as well have been entitled Yin & Yang), the best we can do within the scientific
framework is to attribute the creation and creativity of life to the
impenetrable mystery of random chance—life's yin to its mechanistic yang. And
that is simply another way of saying that insofar as life
is creative, it embodies freedom, within the set of physcial constraints that allow it to exist.
1. Hard Times for Freedom
ReplyDeleteIt were controversial times, when man loudly screamed: “Arbeit macht Frei!”. Although this aphorism has mostly been interpreted literally and perversely, it has something mythical and universal. To grasp this, the interpretation should be widened to the actual context: albeit vital, work is not only physical energy anymore, but for humans it is shifted towards mental power in order to persevere in acquiring, process and use of knowledge. This demands considerable efforts, which cannot be achieved without difficulty. If, in our actual society, we don’t position ourselves always open and critical minded again and again, we will soon decline to slaves of the omnipresent misleadingly simplifying temptations. Freedom of thinking and thus of acting is only possible by permanent assimilation of knowledge to useful concepts. Only relevant knowledge allows us to generate sensible statements about the processes in the world. Therefore everything that has meaning will increase our knowledge and, from a cybernetic viewpoint, knowledge is a model of reality, which we should apply to determine and keep our course. The price to pay, once conscious freedom is acquired, is ethical responsibility for all the actionsi performed. The modern concept of freedom is inherently dynamical:
“Freedom implies work!”
From "A Brief Tribute to Freedom of Will".
Full text at
Yes indeed, and the work never ends! Thanks Bernard.